A garage door is something we give little thought to day-to-day. It goes up, and it goes down. It protects our belongings from inclement weather and shields our possessions from would-be thieves. It keeps our pets inside and unwanted critters outside.
Though we don’t pay much attention to our garage door when it’s working correctly, it’s hard not to notice it when something goes wrong.
Garage doors have a relatively long lifespan. With proper care and maintenance, they should last 15–30 years. However, there will be times when they don’t operate as they should. Occasionally it’s a funny sound, an unusual motion, or sometimes it might not open (or close) at all.
When this happens, it’s time to call a professional. Whether for garage doors for businesses or homes, the following are some of the most common warning signs that there may be something amiss.
No response to the door opener
This is one of the most common issues garage door users face. You push the button. Nothing happens. You push again. Still, nothing happens. You try aiming the opener directly at the sensor and still … nothing. A quick change of batteries usually solves the problem, but occasionally, even that won’t work. This can often mean a failure in the wiring.
A garage door professional can help pinpoint the exact problem with your motor or opener and inspect the unit for damage.
Delayed or inconsistent response
Another typical scenario is an inconsistent response to a garage door opener. Sometimes it functions fine, and sometimes it doesn’t (inevitably when you’re in a hurry). So, you push the button. You push it again. You push it harder. You try one last time and now it works. But don’t celebrate so quickly.
Delayed or inconsistent responses can indicate a failure somewhere in the system. Waiting to have it checked out can cause further damage, and in some cases, cause permanent damage, so it is advised to call in a garage door technician as soon as possible.
Strange noises
Every garage door has its own unique sound when in operation, which the homeowner or business owner becomes accustomed to. However, if this sound changes, it could mean a problem beneath the surface. For example, grinding or screeching sounds can indicate a problem with the track, while a loud whirring can indicate opener issues or a problem with the garage door motor.
Don’t wait to call a professional to diagnose the issue — putting off repairs can often make the problem worse.
Temperature changes
Maintaining a consistent temperature within a garage is one of the critical benefits of a quality garage door. Sudden shifts in temperature can indicate a leak caused by misalignment. Not only does this affect the temperature in your garage, but it also can impact the temperature inside your home forcing your HVAC to work double duty.
Calling a door repair person to examine the seal can ensure your garage door is aligned correctly and will save you money on heating and cooling costs.
Unusual door motion
Much like the sounds our garage door makes, we become accustomed to the unique movement of our garage door. We know how fast it goes up and down and how smooth it raises and lowers. If one day it shakes, jerks or vibrates, it’s time to call in a technician.
Changes in movement can indicate an obstructed, dirty, warped or misaligned track. If the door is slow in raising or lowering, it could mean aging springs.

Think of your garage door as an investment in your family’s piece of mind. After all, it is a complex piece of machinery with a crucial task: to protect you, your loved ones, and your belongings.
Rather than attempt to diagnose a potential problem on your own, trust in the experience and skill of the Doors Direct professional technicians. We can quickly and accurately diagnose and repair a problem, keeping your garage door in tip-top shape so it will last for years to come.